Thursday, May 14, 2009

Night watch

Another night finds me sitting alone in my workshop (I don't even know if that's the right word to use for the room I am using as my office, what about sweatshop??).

No work at the moment, waiting for more files to be processed. Medical transcription is monotonous I agree, but it has helped me earn my bread and butter for the last six years, helped me live with dignity in a world where my previous schoolmates have gone on to do their MBAs and BEs and moved on to wealthier paychecks. I think I am happy being where I am, maybe a tad bit disappointed with the paycheck, but not much really. I am at home, its a green town I am living in now. Isn't this what I had wanted all along? The early morning sun has a strange effect on our poorly manicured garden (its more of a wild overgrowth than a garden). The garden seems to obtain a peculiar yellowish glow in the light of the 6 a.m. sun. The sight is truly beautiful. And that's one of the things enticing me to stay put. There's of course mom and everybody else, and the luxury of not having to travel to work. That was torture!

Moreover, all the things on my to-do list scheduled well into the fag end of this year will keep me occupied. It's a shame though that I haven't been doing much with regard to achieving some of the goals I set for myself. Buying a guitar was a start at least, a late one nonetheless. The gym in town is still awaiting my arrival :p

Oh Yes! Started reading Wodehouse again, the book that I had left unfinished since September last year. There's still Amitav Ghosh on the shelf.

A dental appointment in the evening today kept me a little tense until I finally had my teeth pulled out. It wasn't much time-consuming nor very painful, thanks to the mind-numbing injection into my gums. I was a little apprehensive all right, but braved it without as much as a whimper. Looking forward to my new toothless grin :) The pain, however, is keeping me awake, not that it's very severe; it's more of a dull ache, but enough to be causing little discomfort. Hope, things will be better tomorrow morning.

Again, my thoughts keep steering towards the abnormal when I think about a certain girl. Does she not care for me? Am I just like any other guy in her life? Am I asking for too much from her?

These are the thoughts that drill into my mind everytime I miss an appointment with her. One moment, I am thinking I should stay away from her, and the next moment, I am back to missing her like anything. I don't really understand her or our relationship, or my emotions involved. I think I need to do some more brainstorming on this. Lets keep it pending for a more appropriate time.

Signing off for now!

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