Sunday, April 11, 2010

the feeling of being in love

Love, when it lasts, has a profound effect on us.  It makes us lose our rationale selves.  It makes us do illogical things we would not have ever imagined doing when sober.  Yes, sober.  Because love is intoxicating.  It brings out the best in us and also the worst.  Why does it have such a contrasting effect on us?  When does it bring out the best and when does it bring out the worst?

When love is conditional, it always has the potential to turn us irrational and violent, both in our thoughts and deeds.  It has the potential to bring out the worst part of ourselves to the fore.  This is not always the case though, but the potentiality exists of this happening.  We ordinary human beings cannot love unconditionally without rising to a level of consciousness which is beyond the ordinary.  It is impossible to love another human being unconditionally, except in the case of a mother’s love for her baby.  However, this unconditional love ceases as the baby begins to form an identity separate from its mother, as it begins to wean from breast milk as its primary source of food.

For us, unconditional love is only possible for the divine.  We can love the divine unconditionally, nothing else.  Yes, I know I am talking in very absolute terms and though a part of my mind says there are no absolutes in this universe, everything is relative, I still would use absolute terms, because that is my state of mind right now.  A little agitated.  Yes, agitated because of love.  Conditional love.  I have set so many conditions for love to exist that even a slight absence of one of them jeopardizes the whole situation.  It agitates me.  This is just a lack of emotional maturity, I know that, but the emotions are so overwhelming that no amount of rationalization can set my nerves to rest.

Time is the biggest healer.  And I hope it will heal my frayed nerves and emotional indigestion.  Amen.