Monday, October 19, 2009

In search of the right specimen!

I have been on the lookout for ages now, but it seems like a never-ending search.  I don’t understand why should it be so important for me! The search for the right person to share my genes with and pass it on for posterity.  I have met specimens of all shapes, sizes and colors, only to reject one after the other.  Yes, I have been rejected a few times too, though they may not have been very overt, but they were a rejections all right.  Whatever!

I found a few good specimens to experiment and share my genes with but seems like they lost a golden opportunity to be a part of my research! They never realized the worth! Whatever!

A few specimens have been on my list for a long time now, one who’s afraid to sign the dotted line and two who are willing by all means but I have doubts whether they carry the right DNA for generation next.  I wish I could use a trial and error method, but that would be antisocial and criminal.  I have to use the other method, objective evaluation and rejection.  Whatever!

This is a biological craving.  The need to expand our genetic programming.  And what not it makes us do!!  I have done the most embarrassing of things just to calm my raging instincts.  Yes, unmentionable, but one fine day I just might enter them here in my blog, one fine day…..


According to a 2009 Marist College poll, "whatever" was voted as the phrase that is "most annoying in conversation".  (Source:  Wikipedia).

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