Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family outing

Poro Ecopark was revisited today.  Our group composition had some minor changes than what the original group in April consisted of.  This time Rimpi, Pisimoni, and Rikku were a part of the team.  Manta, maami, and maama were missing.

It really is a beautiful, scenic place to spend a day outdoors.  Large open spaces, a gusty wind, greenery all around, quiet, serene, isolated; perfect for a weekend getaway.


It was a bright, sunny day to start with.  However, as I had secretly wished all along, dark clouds began to appear from nowhere and it started raining catching us unawares.  I did not try to shield myself from the rain; after all, that was that I had wanted, a rainy day at Poro Ecopark.  We were frolicking around in the river when it began to pour.  By the time we reached our shelter, we were soaked to the bones; completely drenched and happy.  The river also had more water flowing through it this time than what we had seen in April, probably because of the rains the last few weeks had received.  It was knee deep at least, allowing us to enjoy some childishly pleasant moments splashing around in the water.

I like the great outdoors.  Wide open spaces with lots of sunlight, wind, greenery, and quietude. I wish I could spend more time enjoying the outdoors, my work being a major hindrance.  It’s a sedentary indoors job in the artificial light of a CFL bulb burning somewhere above my head.  I should be spending more time under the sky.  I think I should be able to squeeze a little time out of my busy daily schedule to enjoy such moments.

That's besides the point, however.

It soon began to appear that the rain was not going to last after all.  The clouds began to disperse after about 10 minutes of downpour and let the sun shine through again.  We spent some time sitting at the rainwater pool watching the frogs leaping around on the water.  They were amazingly skillful and lithe walking on the water surface as if it were terra firma.

Finally it was time to have our well-cooked, homely lunch.  Rice, dal, chicken.  With a full stomach, I couldn’t move around much and decided to just relax in the observation tower watching the day pass by.  My camera has been a great investment.  I have preserved all major events since I bought it in my computer hard disk.  Great way to preserve memories.

It was finally time for us to bade goodbye to this beautiful place and we all boarded the autorickshaw that had brought us here, making me wish I had a car of my own, something that would take me where I wanted to go on my whims.  A car of my own.  Nice thought to end my rather tedious blog.

I will make it a point to spend more time under the sky, open outdoors.  Amen.



  1. Hey buddy, nice article...btw, m back at Mumbai now and already joined Cactus, the company that I told you about. I really relented the fact that we could not meet this time. Anyway, I am sure we are going to do that in the near future. Bye take, and keep the words flowing...

  2. great to see u back man!! keep in touch!
