Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Evolving mind

Of late, after having known Shoma now for a few months, I have begun to realize that people are more similar than different.  Basically, they are all the same if we peel away the layers of conditioning and prejudices that envelope us.  In trying to understand Shoma, as I usually try to do with all people I come in contact with, I have realized that what we all project is a result of our conditioning and nurture more than our instincts or nature.  These are some concepts which even I find difficulty putting down on to paper but I have the realization.  I feel inadequate when I am unable to explain it more lucidly. 

I think it is a result of my mind evolving.  New realizations are presented to me very now and then; they just dawn upon me.  Sometimes I don’t take notice of them and sometimes I do.  Sometimes I think deeply about them for sometime and then let them by as a passing thought, sometimes they affect me to the extent that I devote more of my thoughts to them.  I feel inadequate to think deeply.  I am a thinker as are most people, but a scattered thinker with no thought staying in my consciousness for more detailed and deep thinking, most of them being pushed into the subconscious.  Most people have a similar thought process.  They cannot hold a thought.  It is more like a random filmstrip with random images being presented to our consciousness.  I wish I was capable of more deeper thought; sometimes I want to do that.  Is this also something that we can teach ourselves like most of the things in life?

I have to learn to say NO.  It is one of the most important virtues to inculcate in myself now.  Say NO to all the less important things in my life that occupy so much of my waking time.  I need to say NO to them and spend time on the things I really would like to do.

This blog has begun to look more like a self-improvement guidebook.  Well, if it helps me bring the best out of myself, I won’t regret it.  I don’t want a readership for my blog.  I am content to write for myself and see if it helps me somehow.  I may start one for public readership soon.  Amen.

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