Friday, September 28, 2007

I like it when your heart beats faster

I can hear your heart beats,
The fast rhythmic dub-dub-dub,
I can see your rosy blush,
And on your forehead, the glistening beads.

I can hear your pounding heart,
And the rapid heaves of your breath,
I can see your eyes grow moist,
And your muscles tense, all alert.

I can hear your thumping heart,
And the trembling in your limbs and lips,
And I can feel you turn red hot,
Although we are really miles apart.

Had I been by your side right now,
I would have opened my arms wide,
And whispered a few words of comfort,
And calmed you and hugged you tight.

And laid your head upon my lap,
And calmed your thumping chest,
'Coz when your heart beats faster mon cher,
I tell you I like it best.

And after this, I now can sense,
The gifts of God to you,
Your purity, your innocence,
And with this, I bid adieu.

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